About Twitter
Are you a webmaster? If so, your website should generate income for you. Whether you sell a product, a service, or generate income through the use of affiliate links, internet marketing is important to your success. A successful internet marketing campaign will generate website traffic, as well as income, and using a platform such as Twitter will increase your chances of a successful campaign.
In terms of internet marketing, there are many ways to market your website. In fact, you may be overwhelmed with your options. To get started, you may start with the most recommended approaches. These include submitting articles to article directories with bank links attached, purchasing advertisements on popular websites, exchanging banners with other webmasters, and learning search engine optimization. Yes, these steps are important, but there are benefits to thinking outside of the box. When you do, you will find Twitter.
Twitter is a social networking micro-blog. At first glance, Twitter looks like it can be fun, but also distracting. Yes, it can be, but it all depends on how you use the service. If you aren’t already a member, register for a free account. Choose a username, password, and provide your email address. The next step involves developing a list of contacts. These are individuals whose updates and Tweets you will receive and follow. Look for others to do the same for you.
To make contact with other Twitter members, you can search based on an email address, name, and location. If you belong to an online community, ask for Twitter exchanges. This is ideal if members are your targeted market. For example, does your website share work-at-home opportunities? If so, post Twitter link exchanges on work-at-home-related message boards. These individuals will benefit from clicking your links and visiting your website. The more contacts you make on Twitter, the easier it is to market your site.
image credits: Pixabay
How it Works
Once you have developed a following on Twitter, you can start marketing your website. This is also where you can make costly mistakes. Twitter, as previously stated, is a social networking website. For that reason, avoid spammy advertisements. Instead, be clever and social about it. A great introductory post is “Thanks for following me on Twitter. I just finished updating my website, tell me what you think.” First, this offers a personal introduction. Next, it accomplishes the goal of increasing page views.
When you receive followers on Twitter, you are encouraged to return the favor. This is not required, but it can work to your advantage. You will receive Tweets or updates from other members. These updates may include daily updates on activities, but questions are commonly asked. Does someone on your follow list complain about the long drive to work? If you run a work-at-home website, respond with an @reply. Your message could say “Yes, I remember those days. I am glad I now work from home. Did you know that you could too?” and provide a link.
In addition to responding to @replies from those you follow, visit Search.Twitter.com. Messages that are public will be displayed. In keeping with working from home, use targeted keywords, such as work from home, employment, and online jobs. Remember, be sure to include a personal message, but always include a link to your website. In addition to just answering a question, become a follower of the other member.
As for why you should cleverly market your website, it has to do with personalization. In the above-mentioned example, you provided a link to your website, but you also provided a personal message. This shows that you are truly reading Tweets and not using Twitter for the sole purpose of advertising. When consumers feel used, they are likely to turn away. If you notice your followers on Twitter decreasing in numbers, it may be because your messages sound like spam.
In short, Twitter has the potential to be an amazing internet marketing tool but use it wisely. Including a quick personal message with @replies and cleverly incorporating your website link into your Tweets is the perfect way to advertise your website, as it is an advertisement in disguise.