While men have various health-centric challenges, a woman’s body operates on a different level. Not only are their bodies induce multiple challenges, but they also are relatively more sensitive than men. In addition, girls and women face unique complexities across their lifespans. This blog will allow you to learn more about the health conditions that affect millions of females each year.
1. Caregivers are at risk.
But, before that, did you know that 2 out of every 3 caregivers in the US are women? Several studies state that women who are into caregiving tend to develop a significant risk of poor mental and physical health, including anxiety, stress, and depression. Furthermore, the covid-19 has added more to the role of females in today’s date. Maintaining healthy behavior, seeking extra support, managing stress is integral, especially in the world we live in now.
Recognize, Adapt, & Improvise
- Some straightforward ways to maintain and sustain healthy behaviors include practicing good sleep habits, regular exercise, and avoiding excessive alcohol.
- If you want to manage stress, take rest, breaks, consider respite care, and make time to unwind.
- Recognize when you need more help. There are several support groups that provide safe places for people caught in similar worldly situations to locate support.
2. Asthma
Asthma is more common in women as compared to their counterparts. In 2019, its rate was relatively higher among non-Hispanic Black women. And, when it comes to Hispanic women, it was lower as compared to non-Hispanic white women.
- Fluctuating hormone levels during pregnancy, the menstrual cycle, or menopause can make this condition’s symptoms worse in females.
- Asthma is one of the health flags that may lead to problems associated with their babies during pregnancy.
- Since women’s lungs are comparatively smaller than men’s, they can be sensitive to asthma triggers, making them breathe insignificantly.
- People suffering from asthma should avoid such triggers. These triggers can be outdoor air pollution, pets, tobacco smoke, and mold.
3. Heavy menstrual bleeding
Recurring menstrual bleeding can last for several days, affecting around 10 million American women every year. In simple terms, heavy menstrual bleeding affects one in every five women. Numerous reports have suggested that bleeding disorders can trigger this issue.
- If you experience heavy bleeding, consult your healthcare provider.
- Educate yourself on potential causes like symptoms and signs of bleeding disorders.
4. Disability
It is essential to know that women with disabilities require similar health care as those without disabilities. Moreover, they may also require additional care to determine and address specific needs. Besides, did you know that around 36 million women in the United States are living with a disabling condition, impacting their mind and body? In addition, around 45% of women who’re 65 and above are living with one or many disabilities. Speaking of which, one of the most common causes of disabilities is arthritis in women, which can be categorized under osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, rheumatism, and lupus.
- Female adults have reported experiencing recurring mental distress almost five times as compared to adults without disabilities. These mental distresses are associated with increased use of health services, poor health behaviors, chronic disease, mental disorders, and limitations in daily routine.
- Remember, women with disabilities require similar health care as women without them. One of the research pieces shows that several disabled women may not obtain regular health screenings, like a Pap test or mammograms, as recommended.
5. Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)
BV or bacterial vaginosis is one of the common vaginal conditions in women aged between 15 to 44 years. It is imperative to know that such a change is caused by the average balance of vaginal bacteria. When it comes to the United States alone, an estimated 21 million women aged between 14 to 49 years suffer from such a condition.
6. Sex Trafficking
Sex trafficking is a kind of human trafficking that is a severe health hazard affecting the well-being of families, individuals, and communities. When it comes to such a health issue, women are more susceptible to it. According to its definition, sex trafficking is harboring, recruitment, provision, transportation, or obtaining a person to perform a commercial sex act.
- Female victims can share consequences and risks associated with intimate partner violence, adverse childhood experiences, gang violence, and sexual violence.
- Consequences can either be long-term or immediate. These can include relationship problems or physical problems, chronic health outcomes, and psychological concerns.
7. Overdose
Females should discuss all their ongoing medications with healthcare providers to ensure appropriate and safe use. The figure affecting overdose deaths from opioids is considerable among women. Besides, women are more sensitive to chronic pain, leading to the consumption of opioid pain relievers. That is why experts recommend women discuss everything with their family doctor or any healthcare practitioner. Since an overdose can result from any excessive medicine intake, one must know what to determine and look after.
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