
Law & Legal Issues

Why Do You Need an Immigration Consultant for Family Sponsorship?
The Canadian government is dedicated to keeping families together and now allows for the sponsorship of family members for Canadian immigration. If a Canadian permanent resident or citizen has a family member who wishes to immigrate to Canada, they can sponsor them....
How Far Back Can I Claim a Flight Compensation?
"My flight was delayed 6 years ago. Back then, I had no idea that I could get compensated for that. Can I still get a compensation for that flight delay?" This is what many passengers who have only recently been made aware of their air passenger rights wonder. Well,...
Study: Understanding the growth of new legal providers
When I joined Pangea3 12 years ago, it was just a start-up. Little did I realize the scale of the forces of disruption being brought to the legal industry. Today, Thomson Reuters Legal Managed Services and fellow alternative legal services providers (ALSPs) – part of...


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