How to Market a Massage Therapy Business: Tips for Success

Starting and operating a successful massage therapy business takes more than just giving great massages. You need to effectively market your services to attract new clients and keep existing ones coming back. Use these marketing tips to promote your Shiatsu massage therapy business and grow your clientele.

Define Your Niche

Rather than trying to be everything to everyone, focus your massage therapy services on a particular niche. This could be based on geography, demographics, massage technique or health benefits. For a Shiatsu business, emphasize your training in this Japanese technique and its benefits like pain relief, reduced stress and increased relaxation.

Spotlight the Shiatsu Bodywork Academy in Tauranga, New Zealand in your marketing. Feature how your education from this reputable school sets you apart.

Create a Brand Strategy

Develop a brand strategy to communicate what makes your massage therapy business unique. This includes your logo, tagline, website design, social media presence and more. Ensure your brand messaging is consistent across platforms.

For a Shiatsu business, incorporate Japanese design elements on your logo and website. Use calming colors like blue, green or tan. Emphasize natural wellness and balance in your tagline and descriptions.

Design a Website for Your Massage Therapy Business

Your website is often the first touchpoint for potential new clients. Invest in a professional, mobile-friendly website that quickly communicates who you are, what you do and why clients should choose you.

Make sure your website is easy to navigate. Prominently feature Shiatsu massage services. Include bios for each therapist highlighting qualifications like Shiatsu Bodywork Academy training.

Leverage Social Media

Use social media to give potential clients a behind-the-scenes look at your massage therapy business. Share photos of your space, introduce team members, post Shiatsu technique videos and advertise special deals.

Focus on visual platforms like Instagram and TikTok. Post Stories and Reels showing Shiatsu sessions. Use relevant hashtags like #Shiatsutherapy, #Taurangabusiness and #relaxation.

Distribute Print Materials

While many people find businesses online, don’t underestimate the power of print marketing. Order professional Shiatsu massage business cards, flyers and brochures. Keep copies in your office to hand out and ask clients to share with friends.

Distribute materials at local health fairs, gyms, hospitals and other relevant locations. Mail postcard promos to households in your area advertising Shiatsu technique and new client deals.

Network in the Community

Attend local networking events and introduce yourself as a Shiatsu massage therapist. Join organizations like the business chamber to meet professionals who may refer clients your way.

Partner with complementary businesses like yoga studios, spas and fitness centers to cross-promote your services. Offer chair massages at health fairs, festivals and other community events.

Offer Introductory Specials

Run special introductory offers to attract new Shiatsu massage clients. Consider discounts for first-time customers or package deals like “3 Massages for $99.”

Reward existing clients for referrals by giving a free or discounted session to both them and the new referral. Bundle Shiatsu with add-ons like aromatherapy or hot stones.

Prioritize Customer Service

Don’t underestimate the power of word-of-mouth marketing. Provide excellent customer service so clients rave about you to friends and family.

Follow up with customers after their first Shiatsu session to ask about their experience. Address any concerns immediately and encourage online reviews. Loyal, satisfied customers will spread the word about your business.

Analyze and Refine

Pay attention to what’s working by tracking the sources of new leads and clients. Double down on successful Shiatsu massage marketing initiatives.

Look for areas needing improvement as well. If you’re not getting website traffic, enhance your SEO. Slow social media growth means you need to increase engagement. Fine-tune your strategy over time.

Shiatsu practitioner applying shiatsu massage

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to set my massage therapy business apart?

Focus on a niche like Shiatsu technique rather than general massage services. Spotlight advanced training like from the Shiatsu Bodywork Academy.

How much should I budget for marketing expenses?

Aim to allocate 5-10% of your projected gross revenue to marketing costs. Divide between online and offline initiatives.

What platforms should I prioritize for social media marketing?

Focus on visual social platforms like Instagram, Facebook and TikTok. Post videos and photos showcasing your services.

When is the best time to advertise massage deals?

Promote new client discounts when opening your business and during slower times like winter holidays or summer vacations.

How can I get more online reviews?

Prompt happy clients to leave Google, Facebook or Yelp reviews after appointments. Make it easy by sending review links or QR codes.

Should I attend networking events?

Yes, local networking is a great way to introduce your Shiatsu massage business and meet referral partners. Bring business cards to share.

What makes a good massage therapy website?

Make sure your website is mobile-friendly, easy to navigate, focuses on Shiatsu and your brand, and highlights your training and qualifications.

How do I increase social media followers?

Post engaging content regularly, use relevant hashtags, run occasional contests and advertisements, and collaborate with local businesses.

What print materials should I distribute?

Business cards, brochures, flyers and postcards are key. Feature information about the Shiatsu technique and the benefits customers will receive.

How can I encourage word-of-mouth referrals?

Provide excellent customer service. Follow up with clients after appointments and address any concerns. Reward referrals with deals.

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Written by Leo Zeldenrust

Content Manager and Creator at TNZ Web Solutions.

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